
Hear Norwich story of gambling life turned around 

Hear the story of how an inveterate gambler in desperate circumstances turned to a new life with God at the next dinner of the Norwich FGB branch on Thursday April 18.

Reg and Iris Malham will reflect on 57 years of marriage and how the compulsion of gambling so easily ruins lives. They will also talk about what happened on March 21, 1981, when God turned a gambler's life around.

Branch president Chris Brown said: "You can marvel at the importance of married life and the couple's commitment to each other when founded on the rock of faith in Jesus Christ. Blessed with three lovely daughters and six grandchildren they will share their roller-coaster journey from London’s East End to Swanley in Kent and in 2014 moving to Norwich."

Details: City Suite, Mercure Hotel, Boundary Road, Norwich NR3 2BA. 7pm for 7.30pm

Price: £18 per person to include a delicious 2-course dinner.

Menu: roast pork loin, sea salt crackling and apple sauce followed by chocolate and cherry delice.

FGB Norwich Bank details as follows - Account Name: FGBMFI Norwich
Sort code: 30-98-97 Account number: 69708663

Please book via: Chris Brown email:

Future dates for the diary
Wednesday June 19: Menu - Prosciutto wrapped chicken breast, mushroom and tarragon sauce followed by strawberry and prosecco torte, Chantilly cream.  
Thursday September 12: Menu – slow-cooked brisket of beef, local ale, caramelised onion gravy followed by glazed lemon tart, raspberry and mint compote.
Wednesday December 11: Menu - roast turkey Christmas lunch.
All main courses will include chef's selection of vegetables and potatoes.  Two-course meal followed by coffee/tea at £18 per head.  Booking and speaker details will follow soon.
Contact Chris at:

Published: 08/04/2024