
Stay close to Jesus, Norwich church leaders told 

Norwich church and ministry leaders were offered tips on how to keep going in ministry by ex-Brighton vicar, Rev Phil Moon, at the Transforming Norwich leaders lunch on November 16.

Phil told the assembled leaders at CityGates Church: “I am not going to tell you anything that you don’t really know already. We are all aware of these things but need to be reminded of them regularly.
“We can drift into difficulties and away from the Gospel, little by little,” said Phil. “My advice, if you are going to make it to the end, is simply ‘stay close’.
“Stay close to Jesus,” said Phil, “Jesus asked this of his disciples. There are so many demands in church – if we don’t stay close to Jesus we may drift away and you might not notice it.
“Stay close to the Gospel – Jesus death, resurrection and his return – but do you still believe it and get excited about it,” asked Phil. “Is the Gospel still your love, your touchstone, your anchor. Or are you just moving away slightly. Do you still believe that Jesus died for you, he was raised from the dead and is now in Heaven?
“Stay close to your family – a lot of ministers do end up having affairs. Do you spend enough time with your wife and family,” asked Phil. “My family keep me on the rails and challenge me if necessary.”
“Stay close to friends, Prov 18v24 ‘there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.’ Who do you go to if you have a problem,” asked Phil. “We need to have close friendships, friends who are there for you and don’t judge you – they really will help.
“Stay close to your church – you need your church. You need sung worship, you need the teaching, you need the friendship and the challenge. If you grumble about them you may drift away from them. Spend time with them and they will keep you on the straight and narrow,” said Phil.
Phil recently retired as a vicar in Brighton and was the Director of CYFA ventures (an arm of CPAS) and Vicar of Christ Church Lowestoft for 10 years. He has since spent 17 years down in Bishop Hannington in Hove and has now retired to Norwich.
The next Transforming Norwich leaders lunches are:
Wed January 18 at St Stephen’s church in Norwich
Wed March 15 at the Willow Centre, Cringleford
Wed May 17, at the Salvation Army Citadel, Norwich
Any queries to Transforming Norwich administrator Lisa Fifield at

Pictured above is Phil Moon at the Transforming Norwich lunch.


Published: 19/11/2022