
IMG 0256

The following declaration was agreed by the senior church leaders of NWCT on 23 May 2024.  They will publicly commit to it in a service of thanksgiving and commitment on Christ the King, 24 November 2024, in the Anglican Cathedral, Norwich at 3.30pm.  The sermon will be given by Bishop Mike Royal, General Secretary of Churches Together in England (CTE).  A copy of NWCT's mission statement and declaration can be found here

Church Leaders Declaration of Commitment for Christian Unity

As Leaders of Churches Together in Norfolk and Waveney we acknowledge with thankfulness:
  • Our common faith in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • Our common call to serve in God’s mission.
  • The diversity of our traditions and the different gifts each brings to our common life.
We rejoice in the partnership of trust and cooperation that has grown between us over recent years.  We believe we are called by God to share our life more deeply, and to offer to the world a united witness and a shared service.  We believe that we have been led by the Holy Spirit to make this public commitment, and as fellow pilgrims we declare to:
  • Worship, pray, study and work together for the unity and mission of the Church to proclaim the Gospel to all.
  • Consult together on issues affecting the common good.
  • Whenever possible speak with one voice in common witness.
  • Share resources wherever possible.
  • Make available guidance and support to our Local Ecumenical Partnerships, Churches Together Groups, and all other ecumenical projects/ agencies in Norfolk and Waveney.
  • Provide visible and positive leadership in support of these commitments.
We invite all Christians in Norfolk and Waveney to support us in this declaration to which we now commit ourselves, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
For any queries about the mission or declaration please contact Dr Ian Watson, County Ecumenical Officer: nwct-watson@outlook.com


Published: 28/11/2023