The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

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New book explores impact of the Easter journey

Journey Into Easter is a new book by Hazel Manley which takes the reader on a journey exploring the events of Easter and how those events can impact their lives.

Over the centuries, there have been various versions of the Stations of the Cross highlighting different parts of the Easter story. Hazel has painted her own interpretation of them focussing on seven key points in the journey from the last supper to the resurrection. These pictures form a key element of the book offering a very personal window into Easter with all but one of the pictures showing the scenes as if looking at Jesus' hands through his eyes.
hazel manley book 466ATHazel says, “The book came about through an encounter with an older lady who was quietly entering the church to 'do the stations'. As I accompanied the lady on one of these occasions, I found a new appreciation for the events of Easter, the cost and the results.”
The book can be used by individuals, groups, once a week throughout Lent; daily, or all in one day- there are no rules! Each 'day' has a double page and is laid out so that the reader can start wherever they find most helpful - with the readings, the picture, or the reflection. There is space to journal responses or to make notes with questions to encourage deeper exploration of the events of the story.
Hazel Manley paints under the brush name of Roeh Art which she used for many years to protect her identity whilst working as an adult literacy teacher. She explains that Roeh comes from a word that means to see, perceive, notice, understand, determine, check, investigate and examine; all of which play some part in her work.
Since leaving adult education, Hazel has continued to paint small watercolours quietly during services and vibrant oil pastels from her studio space in North Norfolk, all inspired by the glories of creation.
Journey Into Easter costs £3 plus P+P at cost, and is available by emailing Hazel at Roeh Art.
Discounts are available for orders of 10 or more.
Visit    roeh-art.com  for more information.
Also on Instagram and Facebook.

The photos are courtesy on Hazel Manley.

Tony Rothe, 19/02/2024

Tony Rothe
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