
IMG 0235Christian Unity in Walsingham

This year's National Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady in Walsingham resonated with the spirit of ecumenism

A personal reflection by Dr Ian Watson, County Ecumenical Officer for Churches Together in Norfolk and Waveney (NWCT). 
It was such a joy to attend this year’s National Pilgrimage to the Anglican Shrine of our Lady of Walsingham.  The tiny Protestant protest aside, which happens every year, I found it a very moving and spiritual experience.  

This is the first time I’ve been to the National Pilgrimage which is held in the Abbey grounds adjacent to the Shrine in Little Walsingham.  I was delighted that the rain held off and the sun shone brightly for the Gospel reading.  

The principal celebrant was the Rt Rev Philip North, Bishop of Blackburn.   The preacher was his Eminence Archbishop Angaelos, Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London.  In attendance was the Bishop of East Anglia, Rt Rev Peter Collins, Bishop of Norwich, Rt Rev Graham Usher, and local priests and presbyters from the Catholic, Orthodox, Methodist and Anglican churches. 

A particular vocation of Walsingham is to pray for Christian unity.  It was so uplifting to see the unity in prayer and witness between Fr Kevin Smith, Priest Administrator for the Anglican Shrine and Fr Robert Billing, Rector of the Catholic National Shrine.  The Ecumenical Covenant agreed between the two Shrines in 2018 has clearly borne much fruit.  Their ecumenical efforts are an example for all of us committed to Christian unity and want to explore ways to walk together.  A copy of the 2018 covenant can be accessed by clicking here.

I found Archbishop Angaelos a compelling preacher and his sermon was very informative.  He focused on the Orthodox view of Mary as the Theotokos - the woman who bore the life-giving God into human life.   He also explained why the faces painted in Coptic icons all look virtually identical.  The shape of the eyes, the nose, the mouth, all are identical.  This is because the saints are all icons of Christ, which is a spiritual truth conveyed by the icon.  The goal of Christianity is to become Christ-like and, as such, in Coptic iconography, the faces of all the saints and of Christ are the same – something I did not know!

In summary, the pilgrimage was a great occasion.  It was much more ecumenical than I was anticipating, and it was a wonderful day out.  The atmosphere was very friendly and it  was a blessing to worship with our brothers and sisters in Christ, especially in the beautiful surroundings of Walsingham.  I would recommend it to anyone who wants a new experience.  You will be warmly welcomed regardless of the Christian tradition you call home.   
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Photos by Dr Ian Watson taken on the day.  Top is the Abbey Grounds.  Bottom is Archbishop Angaelos  

Published: 27/05/2024