The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Send us your Norfolk General Election stories 

GENERAL ELECTIONAs a General Election is called for July 4, Network Norfolk will be bringing you the latest news and information about the campaign in Norfolk as it affects the Christian community.

We will be bringing you news of hustings organized by church groups, statements from local church and charity leaders and coverage of candidates’ views on issues of interest to the Christian community.

To do this we have launched a special General Election 2024 section on the website, which we aim to update regularly.

If you have any news of interest to the Norfolk Christian community about the election, maybe you are organising a hustings in your church or you have an issue which you want highlighted, then please send us some details and a picture to web@networknorwich.co.uk

To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk