Life of Norfolk Police Chaplain Richard celebrated 

Over 200 people gathered to celebrate the life of Norfolk Police Chaplain and Methodist lay preacher, Richard Whall on Friday June 14 and hear tributes from the Chief Constable of Norfolk, former YMCA Norfolk CEO, fellow Police chaplains and family members.

Richard died in the early hours of Saturday May 11, having been diagnosed with lung cancer a few days earlier. He had been lead Norfolk Police Chaplain for 22 years and before that a career as a chartered accountant.
Speaking at a celebration service at Soul Church in Norwich, former CEO of YMCA Norfolk and Sheriff of Norwich, John Drake, paid tribute, saying: “Richard understood that servant leadership was Christ’s command, not Christ’s request. He was a dedicated husband to Gill for over 50 years. A proud father and grandfather.
“Richard took his professional relationships seriously and retained confidences - the seal of silence. Richard was a man whom you could trust with your secrets, your fears, your pain, with your joy and anger and doubts and even your failings. He took those cares, confidences and burdens to another and that other was the Lord Jesus.”
Chief Constable Paul Sanford, paid his own tribute, saying: “Richard was a friend to everyone in the Constabulary. He led a team of wonderful chaplains who took the decision to give, to support those who I lead in dealing with the most challenging of circumstances. Richard did that in a most special way. He had a quiet presence. He never imposed himself or his faith on any of my colleagues but they knew that that presence was there. And each and every one of those officers have at times needed that support.
“Richard has been a personal friend to me in some of the most difficult of times and I know he has done the same for many of my colleagues. He did this in the strictest of confidence. When times are dark you sometimes need that friendly ear with whom you can share that problem and find your way through a crisis.
“Richard was a volunteer, but he was an integral member of the team and on behalf of the whole Constabulary, we mourn his loss, but we are so grateful for his service to the community.”
Fellow Police chaplain, Ian Savory, said: “Richard was a great lead chaplain. He built a family of chaplains. He knew who his people were, who the officers were. He knew what our mission was and Richard’s legacy is the huge amounts of officers that have been cared for. He led us and he loved us. Richard Whall, servant of God, well done.”
Soul Church pastor, Steve Mawston, said: “I first worked with Richard at the YMCA in the 1990s. He knew how to treat people. He was humble, he was kind and he really loved his family. I think the world would be a much better place if there were more people like Richard Whall.
“Richard was faithful to his family and in his home. He was faithful for 22 year as a volunteer Police chaplain. Richard saw people for who they were, not the role they played. As a minister I spoke to him a few days before he died and I asked him ’Are you ready to die?’. He said he was because he knew that death was not the end. He knew exactly where he was going, because Richard knew Jesus.
Read our previous article about Richard.


Published: 18/06/2024