The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Mid Norfolk hustings to help Christians decide 

BroadGrace Church in the Broadland & Fakenham constituency village of Coltishall is set to host a General Election hustings event at 7:30pm on Thursday June 27 to help Christians decide who to vote for.

GENERAL ELECTIONThe event will be held at The River Rooms which is the building the church shares with the coffee shop 'A Piece of Cake' 
The format will be similar to Question Time on the TV. Questions can either be submitted beforehand to matt27-54@hall99.co.uk or on the evening. Doors will open at 7pm with refreshments. 
The candidates, Jerome Mayhew (Conservative), Iain Simpson (Labour), Leyla Hannbeck (Liberal Democrat), Jan Davis (Green Party) and Eric Masters (Reform UK) have all confirmed that they will be there. 
Matthew Hall from BroadGrace said: “All are welcome to this public event and we are hoping that a good number of Christians from other churches will attend and submit questions to the candidates that are of particular interest to Christians and which would not normally be asked.” 
Election Hustings, Broadland & Fakenham Constituency
7pm for 7:30pm
The River Rooms, Coltishall NR12 7BX
For more details contact Matthew Hall at: matt27-54@hall99.co.uk


Keith Morris, 20/06/2024

Keith Morris
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