The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Near-death experience inspires Bible website

ExodusMinistries2010: A near-death experience and a second chance at life galvanized a retired Norwich church minister into launching a new online Bible ministry, with the help of a dedicated friend.
David Pavitt, a retired senior minister who founded Earlham Christian Centre in Norwich, faced a near death emergency operation in September 2008. Thanks to the skill of medical staff and the prayers of many friends, David's life was spared.
The result was Exodus Ministries and the website www.exodusministries.org.uk which was launched in March 2009 with the help of friend Russell Clow, who takes care of the design and technical side
Since then over 11,000 people worldwide have logged on to the site, some on a regular basis, with an average of over thirty hits a day. It is a Bible-based ministry, usually updated every fortnight.

Russell said: “This global ministry is of special interest to overseas church leaders, especially those in the developing world who use the material on the site to compliment their own ministry in their local congregations.

“David felt he was given a new lease of life for a reason. As a result of that conviction, Exodus Ministries was born and the success of this ministry is confirmation of God's direction,” said Russell.
In spite of being disabled, Russell plays a vital role in maintaining an attractive, stimulating and inspiring programme.

Since starting the ministry both David and Russell have felt a great sense of satisfaction and fulfilment.
“We give God all the glory for this opportunity to serve the Body of Christ worldwide,” said Russell.


., 07/02/2010

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