The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

ThetfordNightShelter750Christians lead on Thetford’s Christmas Night Shelter 

Three Christian volunteers are taking the lead in organising an Evening and Night Shelter in Thetford providing beds, breakfast and a hot evening meal for homeless people over the festive period.

Three Christian volunteers, Andrea Jarrold from Hope Church Thetford, along with Nadine Forde and Diane Dickson, are leading the coordination of a new Evening and Night Shelter in Thetford to support those who are homeless over Christmas.

Based at the Salvation Army Hall the Thetford Evening and Night Shelter will serve evening meals every night from Monday, December 17 until Wednesday, January 2 between 6pm and 9pm.

From Sunday, December 23 until Thursday, January 3 it will also provide beds and breakfast from 10pm to 10am.

Andrea said: “The three of us and many others in the town have a real community heart, we love Thetford and we see that there are issues and we want to help.

“For all three of us there is a Christian aspect because Jesus said go and feed the poor and that is how he lived his life and that is how we want to live ours. We are all only a couple of pay packets away from poverty.”

The trio launched the project by holding a public meeting in October attended by more than 50 people.  They now have a team of 30 volunteers but still need more help and support.

Andrea said: “We need more volunteers and we need more things such as bedding, quilts, and pillow cases. If anyone wants to donate or ask about what is needed, please contact us.”

They have published a list of needed items which includes duvets, toiletries, cleaning products, games and reading material.  You can click here to view the list on their Facebook page.

To read more about the Evening and Night Shelter in the Thetford and Brandon Times click here

If you would like to help or donate items to the shelter please call 07561 187 388 or email nightshelterthetford@gmail.com

Photo (L-R): Diane Dickson, Andrea Jarrold and Nadine Forde

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