The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Hundreds fed at free Norfolk Christmas dinners 

Hundreds of people who would have spent Christmas Day alone were fed and entertained across Norfolk by church and charity groups.

Volunteers at St Mary Magdalene Church in Gorleston helped to feed more than 75 people who faced the prospect of spending Christmas Day alone at its annual Christmas Day lunch.

The 60 people who went along enjoyed a three-course meal cooked by the volunteers and received a Christmas gift and deliveries were made to a further 15.
Rev Matthew Price said: “We are so grateful for the volunteers making it all happen and answering Christ’s call to be with the lonely and isolated. No one should be on their own on Christmas Day. We believe that giving is at the heart of the Christmas message. 

“One guy is homeless, living in a tent on the beach, and said when he walked into the room it was 'full of joy'. Everyone seemed really happy.” 
In Norwich, the 30th Open Christmas provided a takeaway food service on the Plain outside the normal venue of St Andrew’s Hall.
The volunteer team catered for around 150 people and was in constant demand until 3pm. Guests were also offered a food bag and clothing to takeaway if they wished.
The Open Christmas Facebook page said: “It's been a difficult couple of years for all of us but we will not let coronavirus defeat us. We're still here. There's food, drinks, music and a warm welcome for anyone who needs it
Pictured top is the Norwich Open Christmas catering and, below, Christmas dinner at St Mary Magdalene in Gorleston. Pictures courtesy of the two events.
If your church or group put on a Christmas meal please send us a picture and some details to web@networknorwich.co.uk


Keith Morris, 29/12/2021

Keith Morris
To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk