The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

PancakeRace(c)Bill Smith Norwi
Pancake race fun in Norwich cathedral cloisters 

Armed with frying pans, choristers at Norwich's Anglican Cathedral raced around the cloisters flipping pancakes as they went in the annual Shrove Tuesday tradition yesterday.

The Dean of Norwich, the Very Rev Dr Andrew Braddock, said: “It was great to see our boy and girl choristers enjoying themselves. They work incredibly hard leading Cathedral worship and music, so it’s very good they can have fun together as well.”

Master of Music Ashley Grote said: “The choristers always look forward very much to the annual Shrove Tuesday pancake races. It's a fun opportunity for them to let off steam and enjoy pancake eating as well as racing, before we embark on the season of Lent.”

The Pancake Day tradition has a long history and started because Shrove Tuesday was the last opportunity to use up eggs and fats before embarking on the Lenten fast.

Ash Wednesday marks the start of the Lenten journey ahead of Easter, and during this time all are welcome to join in with the Cathedral’s many special services and events.

Among the highlights is Norwich Cathedral Choir and Norwich Baroque’s concert of Bach’s St John Passion on Saturday March 23.

For more information about all of the Cathedral’s services and events, visit

Pictures (c) Bill Smith/Norwich Cathedral.

PancakeRace(c)Bill Smith Norwi


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