The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website
Come and meet members of the Norfolk branch of the Christian Motorcyclists Association on Sunday 30 June in the small rural village of Swanton Abbott.
Biking with Jesus in Swanton Abbott
Quiz the bishop at 'Revelation' in Norwich
Have you ever wondered how many bees a bishop has? Or what the Bishop of Norwich’s second favourite book is (assuming the Bible is first!)? Or what it’s like speaking in the House of Lords? Your chance is on June 11.
Gwil's marathon for Youth for Christ 
The director of Norwich Youth for Christ, Gwil Davey, is running the length of Marriott's Way to raise funds to help the charity provide more Christian youth work in the city.
NWCT agrees a new commitment to Christian unity
After 33 years of ecumenical effort across the county, the leaders of Churches Together in Norfolk and Waveney (NWCT) have agreed a new declaration of commitment for Christian unity
Towards net zero - Norfolk churches conference  
Wiveton eco conference is set for June 15 with speakers including Bishop Graham, A Rocha UK, Norfolk Wildlife Trust, the NLHF, The Diocesan Secretary, Historic England and others.
Mulbarton church team wants football manager
St Mary's Church in Mulbarton is teaming up with the well-established Mulbarton Wanderers Football Club to form an "A" team to play in the Norfolk Christian Football League next season and they are looking for a team manager.
Norfolk village to open gardens for church funds
There will be a splash of colour in Wreningham in mid-June when village gardens open their gates to visitors for the first time in 20 years, following a charity colour run at the village school, to make up a fun-packed community weekend.
Digging tunnels for God?
In a light-hearted column this week, Ian Boughton wonders how he can dissuade his unwanted visitors from carrying out their presumably God-given purpose.
Send us your Norfolk General Election stories 
As a General Election is called for July 4, Network Norfolk will be bringing you the latest news and information about the campaign in Norfolk as it affects the Christian community.
Norfolk Christian football welfare officer opportunity 
The Norfolk Christian Football League is looking to appoint a new Welfare Officer after the retirement of the long-serving Mike Culwick in the role.
Last chance to see massive quilt church 'hug' 
The last chance to see the magnificent completed patchwork quilted hugs at St Andrew’s Church, Little Massingham is on July 19 and 20.
West Norfolk churches to hold election hustings
Churches Together in King's Lynn (CTKL) and King's Lynn Foodbank are hosting an Election Candidates Question Time on 18 June 2024
Eckling Grange cares for the elderly
Despite some bad press, there are some Care Homes where 'Care' really does mean 'what it says on the tin', and a star example of this is the Norfolk Christian residential care home, Eckling Grange, at Dereham.
Deaf Café launched at N Walsham Salvation Army
The Salvation Army in North Walsham is hosting a monthly café where members of the hearing and deaf communities can meet together to share their experiences and practise their signing skills.
Norwich church to hold a series of free talks
Christ Church Eaton is holding a series of Summer Talks with visiting speakers exploring a range of subjects.
Lowestoft church's musical bouquet of events 
St Margaret’s Church will be hosting a floral-themed concert and a flower festival with music.
Norfolk churches set to mark Education Sunday
Education Sunday will be marked by churches across Norfolk and Waveney on September 8.
Opportunities to work for YMCA Norfolk
YMCA Norfolk is currently advertising a number of vacancies across the county, including Nursery Practitioners, a Housing Engagement Worker and bank Youth Club, Nursery and Housing Workers.
Norwich foodbank stats show demand is high 
More than 3.1 million emergency food parcels were distributed by food banks in the Trussell Trust network, with 13,504 of them in Norwich.